Tag Archives: vocabulary

EFL Web Explorer: Language Games

Traditional hangman games to practice vocabulary. Good site to be used on line with an interactive board:



Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused. Some of these words are homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled differently) and some are just commonly confused.


This week we will have a look at Wordplays.com. It is a tool originally designed to help people solve word games. It might also work well with the average language class to do some vocabulary and spelling practice. There are a couple of games, especially interesting to work with pre-intermediate or intermediate students:

  • If you use Words in a Word you will have three minutes to find all the words contained in a word given.
  • With Word Morph you must change one letter in a setting word to form a new one, then you have to repeat the same process until you spell the ending word.



I’d like to share a great tool for practicing spelling and learning new words, that I’ve just come across.

At spellingcity.com you can practice and enhance both your vocabulary and spelling, by listening to lists of words which are pronounced alone or in a sentence and spelt out.

This free tool, which can be used as a refresher on the overhead projector or at a language lab for individual work ,  contains over 30,000 words including plurals, contractions, past and future tenses. You must register to make the most of it. Then you can make your own word list to do sound and sentence practice, some tests and play computer games. It uses a real person’s voice to represent the individual words after which they give you a whole sentence.

The pick a game section let you practice games with your own word lists or other peoples’ lists. You can play Word Search, HangMouse, Unscramble, Audio Word Match, Which Word?, Missing Letter or Unscramble Sentence

Angeles Hernandez
Computer Assisted Language Learning: Theoretical backup and practical issues